Organizaciones de Georgia rechazan el restablecimiento de la política de separación de familias en la frontera

Para distribución inmediata: 14 de marzo de 2023

Contacto: Jossie Flor Sapunar (CASA), 240-706-2624,

Gigi Pedraza (Latino Community Fund), 404-435-2472,

Organizaciones de Georgia rechazan el restablecimiento de la política de separación de familias en la frontera

GEORGIA – Dieciséis grupos de defensa de los inmigrantes de Georgia han firmado hoy una carta en la que rechazan el restablecimiento de la política de separación de familias en la frontera por parte de la administración Biden. Las organizaciones que representan a comunidades asiáticas, africanas, latinas y otras comunidades de inmigrantes, piden al Presidente, así como a los dos senadores de Georgia, Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.) y John Ossoff (D-Ga.), que hagan una declaración pública desautorizando esta posibilidad y les recuerdan cómo el destino de los niños en la frontera se utilizó como estrategia de campaña el pasado ciclo.

«Como organizaciones defensoras de los derechos de los inmigrantes en Georgia, compartimos con usted nuestro enérgico rechazo a la denuncia de reinstaurar la Política de Separación Familiar para los inmigrantes que cruzan la frontera sur, una práctica fallida e inhumana que sólo conduce al tráfico humano de niños y a empoderar aún más a los malos actores que se benefician del desorden del actual sistema de inmigración», reza la carta.

El Grupo de Trabajo para la Reunificación de las Familias anunció que 3.924 niños fueron separados de sus padres entre el 20 de enero de 2017 y el 20 de enero de 2021, y 1.000 aún no se han reunido con sus familias debido a esta política cruel y xenófoba.

La carta figura a continuación:

The President of the United States, Joseph Biden

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20500

The Honorable Raphael Warnock

U.S. Senator Russell Senate Office

Building Suite 388

Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Jon Ossoff

U.S. Senator Russell Senate Office

Building Suite 455

Washington, DC 20510

As organizations advocating for immigrant rights in Georgia, we share with you our energetic rejection to the reporting of reinstating the Family Separation Policy for immigrants crossing the southern border, a failed and inhumane practice that only leads to human trafficking of children and further empowering the bad actors that benefit from the disorder of the current immigration system. This was one of the most harmful policies of the previous administration, one which mobilized millions of immigrants and allies to support you in the past, and one all of our organizations thought were sealed in the past.

Last month, the Task Force on the Reunification of Families your administration established announced that 3,924 children were separated from their parents between January 20, 2017, and January 20, 2021, and a thousand are still not reunited with their families because of this cruel and xenophobic policy. We know for a fact that reinstating this policy will result in thousands more children being separated from their parents and put in detention centers, where multiple allegations of abuse were investigated by Senator Ossoff, leading him to conclude that in these facilities basic human rights have not been protected by the federal government.

Our organizations, rooted in our love for Georgia, this country and the communities we serve, are hopeful that the President and this administration is still committed to a fair and humane immigration system, as all of you have repeated on the campaign trail and as sitting officials. A return to a very recent and shameful past is not an option, and we sincerely hope keeping children in cages is never heard of again in a fundraising email in the future if this is even being considered.


Center for Victims of Torture - Georgia

Women Watch Afrika


GALEO Impact Fund

Latino Community Fund (LCF Georgia)

Community EsTr(El-La)
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Atlanta

Poder LatinX

Migrant Equity Southeast

Sur Legal Collaborative

Georgia Human Rights Clinic

Coalición de Lideres Latinos, Inc---CLILA-

Asian American Advocacy Fund

Indivisible Georgia Coalition

CASA Alterna

Somos South Georgia


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