2024 Legislative Priorities

promote the economic well-being of lATINOS

According to the Puente Survey, 90% of Latinos in Georgia agree with the statement that the cost of living for them and their family in Georgia is going up faster than their wages and income can keep up. All Georgians deserve better wages.

According to the Puente Survey, 92% of Latinos support passing a law that makes housing more affordable. We will support bills that will add more protections for Georgia renters and offer solutions at the state and local levels of government that can allow working people to pay their rent or mortgage.

According to the Puente Survey, 80% of Latinos in Georgia support passing a law in Georgia that guarantees in-state college tuition for all students regardless of immigration status. Georgia is facing a workforce shortage, and expanding education access and affordability to more Latinos will help Georgia’s economy and global competitiveness.

Expand Healthcare Access

Expanding access to Medicaid in Georgia will be a more affordable option for the state and increase healthcare insurance coverage for more Georgia residents.

According to the Puente Survey, 72% of Latinos in Georgia support passing a law to guarantee access to abortion for people who need it. We support expanding access to those families or individuals who may need access to abortion.

Address Climate change

According to the Puente Survey, 85% of Latinos in Georgia think taking action to deal with climate change should be an important priority for Georgia this year. We support proactive policies that address climate change and enhance preparedness for our communities most impacted by climate change.

Advocate for the Rights of immigrants

According to the Puente Survey, 83% of Latinos in Georgia support creating a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. We will continue to work towards a workable federal solution to our broken immigration process while we also stand up against piecemeal state or local legislative initiatives that would harm our communities.

Protect and Expand voting rights

According to the Puente Survey, 84% of Latinos in Georgia support passing a new voting rights act to ensure all U.S. citizens can vote without barriers. We will work to make voting more accessible and work against efforts to make it more difficult for voters to exercise their right to vote.

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