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legislative priorities

Every year, GALEO Impact Fund presents their legislative priorities ahead of the upcoming legislative session. We aim to inform the Latinx communities and legislators of the top issues we are tracking. 


The GALEO Impact Fund’s candidate endorsement framework uplifts viable candidates for public office and increases Latino-Hispanic representation in our local, state, and national public offices. Through our endorsement, candidates gain exposure, access to GALEO Impact Fund resources, and meaningful insight into our electoral system. The GALEO Impact Fund’s Candidate Endorsement Framework is straightforward. Viable candidates whose values align with ours receive the endorsement after completing our candidate assessment questionnaire, successfully meeting the background search criteria, and gaining the final board approval.

GALEO Impact Fund, Inc.

GALEO Impact Fund, Inc.


Building Latinx Power in Georgia.

In the El Pueblo Unido segment of La Pinche Política, Kyle Gomez-Leineweber talks about SB 21 and the harmful impact it has on immigrant families. To learn more about this bill, watch the full episode on our YouTube page: tuned for our next episode April 8th at NOON! En el segmento El Pueblo Unido de La Pinche Política, Kyle Gomez-Leineweber habla sobre la SB 21 ... See MoreSee Less
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Tune in to the next episode of #ElPuebloUnido on Tuesday, April 8, at NOON! Watch us live on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. #galeoimpactfund #estamosaqui #ElPuebloUnidoJamasSeraVencido #podcastseries #latinosenatlanta #latinopodcast ... See MoreSee Less
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🚨 STOP ANTI-IMMIGRANT BILL SB 21! 🚨SB 22 is an attack on immigrant communities. It forces local police to act as ICE agents, tears families apart, and endangers public safety, and wastes millions of taxpayer dollars. This anti-immigrant bill fuels racial profiling, drives workers out of Georgia, and harms our economy-just to serve an agenda that puts profits over people. We MUST take action N ... See MoreSee Less
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🚨ESTO ES ALARMANTE 🚨 Repost • @lulac El gobierno de EE.UU. ha hecho desaparecer a 48 personas.Sin registros. Sin transparencia. Sin respuestas.ICE arrestó a 48 residentes de Nuevo México y se niega a decir dónde están, si tienen abogado o qué agencia los detiene. Las familias están en la oscuridad, desesperadas.Esto no es simple burocracia. Es una violación de derechos humanos.Desaparecer per ... See MoreSee Less
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This Women's Month, we celebrate the brave women who have made history and continue to inspire generations to fight for justice, equality, and change. Dolores Huerta, one of the most powerful figures in activism, reminds us that each of us has the power to transform the world through action and commitment. 🌍✊ As a Latino community, we know that our strength lies in our unity, in our ability to ... See MoreSee Less
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