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legislative priorities

Every year, GALEO Impact Fund presents their legislative priorities ahead of the upcoming legislative session. We aim to inform the Latinx communities and legislators of the top issues we are tracking. 


The GALEO Impact Fund’s candidate endorsement framework uplifts viable candidates for public office and increases Latino-Hispanic representation in our local, state, and national public offices. Through our endorsement, candidates gain exposure, access to GALEO Impact Fund resources, and meaningful insight into our electoral system. The GALEO Impact Fund’s Candidate Endorsement Framework is straightforward. Viable candidates whose values align with ours receive the endorsement after completing our candidate assessment questionnaire, successfully meeting the background search criteria, and gaining the final board approval.
GALEO Impact Fund, Inc.

GALEO Impact Fund, Inc.


Building Latinx Power in Georgia.

Staying informed and prepared to protect yourself when dealing with immigration enforcement is crucial. Memorize and keep these key phrases handy—they could make a significant difference in safeguarding your rights. Knowledge is power, and understanding your rights is your strongest defense. Sharing this information can help others stay safe and informed, so please feel free to pass this along. Together, we can empower our communities!En estos tiempos tan complejos, es esencial mantenerse informado y preparado para protegerse. Memoriza y ten a mano estas frases clave; podrían marcar una gran diferencia en la protección de tus derechos. El conocimiento es poder, y entender tus derechos es tu mejor defensa en cualquier situación. Compartir esta información puede ayudar a otros a mantenerse seguros e informados, así que no dudes en difundirla. ¡Juntos, podemos empoderar a nuestras comunidades!#galeoimpactfund #ElPuebloUnido #ElPuebloUnidoJamásSeráVencido #KnowYourRights #ConoceTusDerechos #immigrantsrights #inmigrantes ... See MoreSee Less
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As White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Stephen Miller will be at the nexus of Trump’s radically nativist policy agenda. Learn more about him: #GALEOImpactFund #EstamosAqui #LatinosEnGeorgia #ElPuebloUnidoJamásSeráVencido ... See MoreSee Less
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🚨 HB 1105: Anti-Immigrant Legislation 🚨 HB 1105 authorizes state and local authorities to collaborate with federal authorities enforcing federal immigration laws. While this sounds like a new measure, it’s actually consistent with how Georgia already operates today. This legislation continues the trend of increasing local involvement in federal immigration enforcement. #HB1105 #ImmigrationLaw #PublicPolicy #GeorgiaPolitics #LawEnforcement #ImmigrantRights #CommunityImpact ... See MoreSee Less
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🚨 HB 1105: What You Need to Know! 🚨 HB 1105 is an immigration law that impacts our community in Georgia, and it’s important we understand how it affects us. 📋 What does this law do? Local and state officers are not required to check the immigration status of someone arrested, but they can choose to verify it if the person doesn’t have a valid ID. This means that if you or a loved one is arrested and can’t provide a valid form of identification, local or state officers have the option to ask about immigration status, which could lead to further consequences like detention by immigration authorities. ⚖️ Why is this important? It’s crucial to know your rights, especially in situations where you might not have an ID on hand. Make sure to always carry valid identification and understand the potential risks of encounters with law enforcement.#HB1105 #ComunidadLatina #DerechosDeInmigrantes #MantenteInformado #LatinosEnGeorgia #GALEOImpactFund ... See MoreSee Less
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