October 28, 2024

GALEO Impact Fund

Media Contact: Lorena Mora

Director of Communications

(Norcross, GA) GALEO Impact Fund condemns the racist remarks made during Trump’s rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday, October 27th. During the rally, comedian Tony Hinchcliffe called the US island territory of Puerto Rico “a floating island of garbage.” He also said, “Latinos love making babies,” as part of a string of vulgar and disparaging comments about Latinos and other groups. 

“As someone of Puerto Rican and Mexican descent, I am deeply offended and concerned about the recent racist remarks made at the Trump rally,” said Elisa Covarrubias, GALEO Impact Fund Deputy Director. “Throughout our history, Puerto Ricans have made incredible contributions to the United States, and we should be talked about with respect and dignity.”

This is not the first time we have heard such hateful and dangerous rhetoric by MAGA Republicans. From spreading falsehoods about Haitians eating pets to calling Mexicans drug-dealers and rapists, racist and anti-immigrant remarks have been hallmarks of the Trump campaign; in fact, we’ve even seen these attacks on our family values be perpetuated by local Republicans like Latino State Senator Jason Anavitarte and Latino Georgia Insurance Commissioner John King. Former President Trump has repeatedly claimed that immigrants are invading the United States and that migrants increase crime rates– studies have repeatedly shown these claims to be false. Hinchcliffe’s comments are not an aberration but are right in line with the MAGA themes of a great migrant-threat. It is with this fabricated looming threat that Trump promises mass deportations, tearing apart families across the United States. 

With only a week left until election day, it is critical that Latinos recognize the threat of a second Trump presidency and the effects it will have on our working families and communities.


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