What We Do

GALEO Impact Fund, Inc. is the only Latino-led and Georgia grown 501(c)4 organization with the full capabilities to use all the levers available to uplift and project Latino political power in our state. We founded the organization in 2019 and have had tremendous success since then.  In order to achieve our full capability, we created affiliated entities to help us build Latino political power.  The GALEO Impact Fund, Inc. also serves as our primary lobbying organization, enabling us to lift up our communities’ values, concerns, and opportunities to elected officials.  In addition, we do issue endorsements for candidates for public office at every level of government, with a primary focus on Latino candidates. 

GALEO Impact Fund PAC is a federal super political action committee (PAC) focused on federal elections in Georgia.  This entity was started in 2020 to work on the runoff elections for the U.S. Senate in Georgia that proved pivotal for U.S. Senate control for Democrats after Joe Biden had won Georgia.  This entity must act independently from any candidate or campaign.  Staff and board members do establish a firewall policy to prevent any communications regarding strategy and operational development for the work to ensure its independence.  This entity allows us to do unlimited support for or against any federal candidates for office.  Most of the time, we will focus our efforts on elections in Georgia.

GALEO Impact Fund State PAC is a state political action committee focused on Georgia local and state elections. This entity was started in 2022 and can coordinate with state and local candidates, staying within the limits set by state law. Typically, we will focus on Latino candidates for this work in Georgia.

GALEO Impact Fund Independent Committee is a state independent committee.  This entity was started in 2022 and is similar to the federal super PAC and must work independently from any state/local campaigns and/or candidates.  Staff and board members do establish a firewall policy to prevent any communications regarding strategy and operational development for the work to ensure its independence.  This entity allows us to do unlimited support for or against any local or state candidates for office in Georgia.

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