for immediate release
(Norcross, GA) Yesterday, the Georgia Senate passed HB 1105 and HB 301, harmful legislation that criminalizes our Latino and immigrant communities. The GALEO Impact Fund, in solidarity with Georgia’s Latino and immigrant communities, condemns the passage of HB 1105 and HB 301.
In response to the legislation passing, Kyle Gomez-Leineweber, Director of Policy and Advocacy at GALEO Impact Fund, said:
“These harmful pieces of legislation do nothing to make our communities safer. They discourage members of our community from reporting crime and further break the connection between them and law enforcement. This breakdown of community policing will make us all unsafe. Rather than doing the hard work of crafting policy that meaningfully addresses the widespread issue of violence against women, extreme politicians have chosen to exploit a local tragedy in order to attack Latino community members, our families, and our local leaders. HB 1105 and HB 301 will make it more difficult for local governments to effectively meet the unique challenges facing the residents they serve, retraumatize victims of crime who are seeking justice, disrupt Georgia families and communities, and embolden those who wish to cause harm to Latinos in our state. Persecuting Latinos and immigrants for political gain is a tired and self-serving ploy that wreaks havoc on whole communities and ruins lives. ”
Alongside our partners and allies, GALEO Impact Fund will continue to fight against harmful legislation as it makes its way through the legislative process. Whatever the final results of this legislative session may be, we will never stop fighting for the Latino community in Georgia that is integral to our state’s success.