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Immigration Reform

Immigrants make our communities richer and more robust. Policies that criminalize immigrants and refugees are inhumane and unrepresentative of our nation’s best ideals. The GALEO Impact Fund supports policies in Georgia that allow all immigrants that want to be a part of this great state an opportunity to study, work, grow, and give back to our communities. We stand against any policies that criminalize and impede immigrants in the state from pursuing their basic needs.

  • Our community is tired of being let down. The time for national immigration reform is now. We are tired of unfulfilled promises. 


If you are interested in becoming involved in defending immigrants’ rights and learning more about immigrants’ power at the local level, sign up for El Pueblo Unido Project today!

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Together Somos Más: Web Live Series.

GALEO and GALEO Impact Fund, sister organizations and leading advocates for increasing Latino civic participation in Georgia, proudly announce the launch of their groundbreaking live-to-podcast

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